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The Vehicle Laboratory possesses valuable equipment and it continues to develop through funding via research programs, services which provides and from government's funds.
- Core Courses
- Master Courses
- Diploma Thesis
- Master Thesis
Mechanical Engineering Drawing I (Semester: 1st)
Introduction to mechanical engineering design. International standardization (Paper size, Drawing scale, Line types). Multiview projection. Sectional and auxiliary views. Dimensioning. Threads and bolts. Free hand sketching of real machine components.
Introduction to Computer Aided Design (CAD). 3D - CAD part modeling and 2D drawings. Practice on a 3D-CAD software.
The course includes free hand sketching and conventional drafting exercises, CAD applications and machine tool workshop practice
Mechanical Engineering Drawing II (Semester: 2nd)
Drawings of typical machine components (Shafts, Wedges, Bearings, Gears). Mechanical assembly drawings. Dimensional Tolerances and Fits. Geometrical Tolerances. Surface roughness assignment. Drawings of welded structures.
Drawings of assemblies and welded structures using 3D-CAD software. Machine components toolboxes. 2D drawings of assemblies and bill of material through 3D software
The course includes free hand sketching and conventional drafting exercises, CAD applications and machine tool workshop practice
Theory of Ground Vehicles (Semester: 7th)
Part Α: Definition of "Vehicle". Classification of Vehicles. European Directives. Introduction to the mechanics of the Pneumatic Tire. Performance of accelerating - braking vehicle. Handling characteristics of vehicles. Centre of mass of vehicle. Calculation of heavy vehicle's superstructures. Examples
Part B: Introduction to Hybrid Vehicles (HEVs). HEV fundamentals. Architectures of HEVs. Concept of hybridization of the automobile. Batteries, ultracapacitors, fuel cells. HEV component sizing and design optimization.
The course includes 2 laboratory exercises and 1 computational project.
Vehicle Dynamics and Design (Semester: 8th)
Advanced tire mechanics, Tire models. Vehicle’s center of mass and moments of inertia. Modeling of Vehicle's suspension system. Vehicle Dynamics, equations of motion, external forces and moments, linear 2 degrees of freedom model, control and stability, non-linear 6 degrees of freedom model. Simulation of case studies in vehicle dynamics software. Kinematics and dynamics of four-wheel-steering vehicles. Optimization of riding comfort of passenger vehicle. Optimization of driving performance of a heavy vehicle. Calculation of rollover stability of heavy vehicles. Applications from the greek vehicle industry.
The course includes 2 laboratory exercises and 1 computational project.
Transportation Systems
Introduction, Terminology and Framework of Transportation Systems. Fundamentals of Transportation Systems. Modelling of Transportation Systems. Road and Rail Transports. Intelligent Transportation Systems. Examples.
The course includes 1 research project.
Optimum Product and Systems Design Engineering
Systematic conception of the structure. Introduction to Engineering Design. Systematic Approach of Engineering Design. System Modeling. Systematic analysis. Concurrent Engineering (CE). Principles of CE. Procedure of CE. General Characteristics of CE. Decomposition of Concurrent Design. Decomposition of the design procedure. Decomposition of the restrictions posed by the design. CE in optimal structural design. Simulation in design with the method of CE. Existing methods and tools of CE. Design model. Decompositon of the design into elements. Alternative Designs.
Introduction to Optimization. Deterministic Optimization Methods. Steepest Descent Methods. Newton Methods. BFGS Methods. Semi-Deterministic Optimization Methods. Complex (Box) Method. Hook & Jeeves Method. Stochastic Optimization Methods. Evolutionary strategies. Evolutionary Programming. Genetic Algorithms. Use of Constraints. Examples: Optimization of (a) a 4-bar mechanism, (b) vehicle's suspension system, (c) welded beam and (d) beam section.
The course includes 1 computational project.
Completed Diploma Thesis
This is an indicative catalogue of the Diploma Thesis conducted by the Vehicles Laboratory:
- Structural analysis of a bus superstructure with the Finite Element Method, Tsokos Dimitrios
- Simulation of an articulated tank vehicle, Fragkiadoulakis Nikolaos
- Study of hydrogen-powered motorcycle, Eresios Panagiotis
- Optimization of the Dynamic Characteristics of a Triaxial Fixed Semitrailer, Vlassopoulos Konstantinos
- The Use of Advanced Technologies in the Minimization of the Road Accidents during the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Gkonis Nikolaos
- Measurements and Experimental Analysis of the Dynamical Behavior of a Vehicle, Ligoutsikos Charalampos
- Modeling of Vehicle’s Hydro-pneumatic Suspension, Brempos Evangelos
- Harvesting Energy through Regeneration Braking in Vehicles, Bafatakis Loukas
- Techniques for Measuring Dynamic Tire Forces Generated by Heavy Vehicles, Papaioannou Georgios
- Heavy Vehicle's Braking Systems, Kasimi Sofia
- Comparison of Optimization Methods for the suspension system and the tires of a heavy vehicle, Christodoulou Dimitrios - Agamemnon
- Analysis of the design approach for the suspension system of a prototype racing car, Tsiaparas Aggelos
- Design of a single - seater racing car using Formula SAE specifications, Patiniotis Stavros
Completed Master Thesis
This is an indicative catalogue of the Master Thesis conducted by the Vehicles Laboratory:
- Design of a Foldable Bicycle City Frame, Karlis Nikolaos
- Estimation of the Energy Consumption of Electric Train, Giannikopoulou Anna-Stavroula
- City Electric Vehicle with the use of fuel cells, Kostiandris Georgios
- Traffic accident analysis with the use of computer simulation, Nanadakis Georgios
- Optimum Design of Industrial Products, Tsarouxi Panagiota
- Analysis of the production procedure and the automations in a bottling water industry, Karida Artemis-Nektaria
- Study on the Production Procedure of Olive Οil refinery, Kasimatis Evaggelos
- Optimization of the Suspension System of Vehicle with Evolutionary Algorithms, Ntagiou Evridiki
- Transportation Systems in Space, Moutopoulou Euthimia
- Applications of informatics and telecommunications in transport, Vitsas Kiriakos
- Energy consumption in road transport, Andrikopoulos Konstantinos
- Energy consumption of road freight transport in European Union, Konstantiou Panagiota
- Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Zotou Eufrosini
- The Lab
- Mission
- Staff
Τhe Lab
The Vehicles Laboratory of N.T.U.A. in its current form was established by the legislation in 2001 (66/Α/2001 Φ.Ε.Κ.). The research group of the Laboratory consists of 15 persons, researchers and technical staff, working on various areas regarding:
- Structural Analysis and Dynamic Behavior of Vehicles
- Suspension Systems of Vehicles
- Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
- Vehicles with Four Wheel Steering System
The Vehicles Laboratory supports core and master courses providing laboratory exercises to more than two hundred students annually. Furthermore, it gives students the ability to conduct Diploma, Master, Doctorate and Postdoctoral Thesis under its supervision. It participates in research programs and provides services in the Domestic Construction Industry of Vehicles and Constructions. Since 2008 the Vehicles Laboratory provides theoretical and technical support to the Formula Student/ S.A.E of N.T.U.A.
The Vehicles Laboratory also, handles the research area of Road and Rail Transport of Dangerous Goods (ADR/RID), while the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks has set the Vehicles Laboratory as the Center responsible for the Education and the Examination regarding Road Transports.. For the provided services in the area of Vehicle's Technology and of the Road Transport, the Vehicles Laboratory is accredited by ESYD according to ΕLΟΤ ΕΝ/ISO 17025:2005 and certified according to ΕLΟΤ ΕΝ/ISO ΕΝ/ISO 9001:2008.
The mission of the Vehicles Laboratory is:
- The support of the educational needs of the School of Mechanical Engineering of N.T.U.A. regarding the area of Vehicles.
- The development of research and relevant activities within the area of Vehicles according to the general principles and regulations for research of the N.T.U.A.
- The co-operation with other Research Centers and Universities, if the scientific purposes coincide with those of the Vehicles Laboratory, in a spirit of mutuality and collective effort.
- Τhe collaboration with Public Services and Communities and other Social Services and Scientific Centers
- The contribution of the Vehicles Laboratory in the confrontation of the problems of Greece in the relevant areas.
- The provision of services according to the research regulation of N.T.U.A or P.D. 159/1984.
The research group of the Laboratory consists of approximately 15 persons, students, researchers and technical staff.
Educational Staff
Technical Staff
Dionisios Asvestas (CV)
Konstantinos Fouskas (CV)
Sofia Tomara (CV)
Post Doctoral Researchers
PhD Students
Άγησίλαος Κυριαζής, Μηχανολόγος Μηχανικός Ε.Μ.Π.
Ηλίας Πάσιος, Μηχανικός Μεταλλείων - Μεταλλουργός Ε.Μ.Π.
Άγγελος Τσιαπάρας, Μηχανολόγος Μηχανικός Ε.Μ.Π.
External Partners
Gorge Papaioannou, Dr.Ing, 2019
Kyriakow Kapetis, 2019
Athanasia Dinef, 2018
Konstantinos Anagnostopoulos, 2018
Artemios Voutsinas, 2018
Dimitrios Papatsibas,2018

Our Location
- D.G.S.A Seminars
- Auditor's Exams
- Vehicle's Measurements
- School Buses
The Vehicles Laboratory is responsible for supplying services of education and training to D.G.S.A. (Dangerous Goods Safety Advisors) Candidates on specialized subjects of the education area of vehicles and transport safety.
For any information regarding the Seminars provided by the Vehicles Laboratory, contact with us through e-mail
The Vehicles Laboratory has been set by the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks as the Examination Center of Auditors of Public or Private Centers for Technical Testing of Vehicles.
Initial and Periodical Training and Education, Training and Certification of the Auditors of Public or Private Centers for Technical Testing of Vehicles for the Testing of Vehicles for the transport of dangerous goods and perishable foodstuffs.
For any information regarding the Exams held by the Vehicles Laboratory, contact with us through e-mail
The Vehicles Laboratory has been accredited under the terms of ΕLΟΤ ΕΝ ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Standard (see here) , to carry out mechanical measurements for Vehicles of M,N and O Category and other constructions, as specified in the attached Scope of the Accreditation.
Application For Conducting Measurements
For any information regarding the Tests conducted by the Vehicles Laboratory, contact with us through e-mail .
The Vehicles Laboratory has been set by the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks as the Center responsible for Publishing Test Reports regarding
- School Buses' Seats and their Anchorage.
- Safety Belts for School Buses.
- Anchorage of Safety Belts of School buses.
Application for a Test Report
For any information regarding the Test Reports conducted by the Vehicles Laboratory, contact with us through e-mail
- Research Areas
- Research Programs
- Publications
Research Areas of the Research Team
Scientific Responsible:
Dr.-Ing. D.Β. Koulocheris, Assistant Professor NTUA
In the abovementioned research fields the following Thesis subjects are available:
Field Ι : Optimum Design & implementation of mechanical constructions
Field ΙΙ : Simulation – Vehicle Dynamics
1. Models of Active Suspensions.
Theoretical background: Theory of Automatic Control, Machine Dynamics, Vehicle Dynamic
Computational background: Programming in MATLAB, MATLAB SIMULINΚ
2. Models of Negative suspensions in Vehicle Seats.
Theoretical background: Machine Dynamics, Vehicle Dynamics
Computational background: Programming in MATLAB
Giorgos Papaioannou
Field ΙII: Experimental identification of typical technical quantities of heavy vehicles
1. Measurement of Dynamic Quantities of truck vehicles.
Theoretical background: Machine Dynamics, Vehicle Dynamics, Signal Theory
Computational background: Programming in MATLAB, LabView (optional)
2. Multi-objective optimization of a tank vehicle in order to avoid roll-over and investigation of the optimum solutions in its structural integrity.
Theoretical background: Vehicle Dynamics, Finite elements, Optimization
Computational background: Programming in MATLAB, Use of ANSYS
Dr.-Ing. Clio Vossou
Giorgos Papaioannou
Field IV : Traffic accident reconstruction
1. Algorithm for the simulation of a collision accident between two vehicles based on impact - momentum theory.
Theoretical background: Solid body Kinematics, Vehicle Dynamics
Computational background: Programming in MATLAB
2. Algorithm for the simulation of a collision accident between two vehicles based on impact - momentum theory and crash deformation.
Theoretical background: Solid body Kinematics, Vehicle Dynamics
Computational background: Programming in MATLAB
Dr.-Ing. Clio Vossou
Completed Research Programs
INNOTRAX: Innovation clusters for the transport industry
Funding : European Union
Development of specifications for the Certification of Seats - Safety Zones for School Buses and Technical Installation Manual
Funding : Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks
Integrated system of optimal management and control of green energy generation from waste
Funding : NSRF 2007-2013/ΣΥΝΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ
Design of an Intelligent Monitoring System for Maintenance and Diagnosis
Funding : NSRF 2007-2013 SMEs2009
Study for the safe movement of heavy vehicles (common freight & earthworks) with the retrofit of ΑΒS in vehicles already in use, with gross weight more than 3.5 tonnes.
Funding : Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks/ΕΥΔ/ΕΠ-ΕΠ
Design and Development of a smart system for the optimal recovery of recyclable material, COMPOST & RDF from the process of municipal solid waste (MSW) using optical separators SmartWasteTech
Funding : NSRF 2007-2014/PAVET
Optimization of function & design of an automatic assembling machine for the drug delivery device in the respiratory system ELPENHALER
Funding : NSRF 2007-2014/PAVET
This is an indicative catalogue of the earliest publications of Vehicles Laboratory in various conferences and journals:
- Koulocheris V. D, Papaioannou D. G., Vossou C.G., Exploration Of Fixed Tank Vehicle Rollover Stability. 2017 JUMV Automotive Conference, Belgrade, 19/20 April 2017 (Poster)
- Koulocheris V. D, and Vossou C.G., Finite Element Stress Analysis Vs Calculation Method For The Construction Of A Metallic Tank Used For Dangerous Goods Transportation. 2017 JUMV Automotive Conference, Belgrade, 19/20 April 2017 (Poster)
- Dimitrios V. Koulocheris, Georgios D. Papaioannou, Dimitrios A. Christodoulou, Optimal Design Solution Among Pareto Alternatives For Vehicle Nonlinear Suspension System. 26th JUMV International Automotive Conference, Belgrade, 19-20 April 2017 (Poster)
- Dimitrios V. Koulocheris, Georgios D. Papaioannou, Dimitrios A. Christodoulou, Assessment of the optimization procedure for the nonlinear suspension system of heavy vehicle. Mobility and Vehicle Mechanics 42.2 (2016): 17-35. (Link)
- D. Koulocheris, C. Vossou, Computational Assessment of a cylindrical tank vehicle structural integrity. (2016) 11th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, 27 – 30 May, Athens, Greece (Poster)
- D. Koulocheris, G. Papaioannou, Experimental evaluation of the vertical wheel loads of a heavy vehicle validated with an optimized half car model. (2016) 11th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, 27 – 30 May, Athens, Greece
- D. Koulocheris, G. Papaioannou, D. Christodoulou, Multi-Objective optimization of a heavy vehicle nonlinear suspension system. (2016) 11th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, 27 – 30 May, Athens, Greece
- D. Koulocheris, G. Papaioannou, Dynamic Analysis of the suspension system of a heavy vehicle through experimental measurements and simulation procedure. (2015), 25th JUMV International Automotive Conference, 14 - 15 April, Beograd, Serbia
- D. Koulocheris, G. Papaioannou, Experimental evaluation of wheel forces applied on a heavy vehicle and estimation of measurements uncertainty. (2015), 25th JUMV International Automotive Conference, 14 - 15 April, Beograd, Serbia
- D. Koulocheris, Clio Vossou, Ch. Provatidis, Th. Costopoulos-The influence of the material properties on a typical control link of a vehicle suspension system under different loading conditions.-6th International Conference from Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering 6th IC-SCCE Athens, 9-12 July, 2014 IC-SCCE (Poster)
- D. Koulocheris, Georgios Papaioannou-Experimental evaluation of the vertical wheel loads of a truck through measuring the shear strains.-6th International Conference from Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering 6th IC-SCCE Athens, 9-12 July, 2014 IC-SCCE.
- C. Vossou, D. Koulocheris, C. Provatidis, Th. Costopoulos-Design and optimization of a control link of a vehicle suspension system.-9th International Conference of Engineering Computational Technology, 2-5 Sept. 2014, Naples, Italy (Poster)
- Antoniadis I., Chronopoulos D., Spitas V., Koulocheris D.-Hyper-damping properties of oscillators and meta-materials with negative stiffness elements.-International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, 15-17 Sept. 2014, Leuven, Belgium.
- Stathis A., Th. Costopoulos, D. Koulocheris, K. Raptis-The adverse effect of steel particle contaminants on fatigue life of grease lubricated ball bearings.-American Journal of Applied Sciences 11 (9): 1530-1541, 2014.
- D. Koulocheris-Evaluation of the vertical wheel loads of a heavy vehicle with two different experimental methods.-Austin Journal of Robotics & Automation, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2014
- D. Koulocheris, A. Stathis, Th. Costopoulos, D. Tsantiotis-Experimental study of the impact of grease particle contaminants on wear and fatigue life of ball bearings.-Engineering Failure Analysis, 39, 2014, 164-180.
- P. Athanasatos, D. Koulocheris, T. Costopoulos, V. Spitas-Experimental verification of fault predictions in high pressure hydraulic systems.-Modern Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 4, 67-83.
- D. Koulocheris, A. Stathis, Th. Costopoulos, G. Gyparakis-Comparative study of the impact of corundum particle contaminants size on wear and fatigue life of grease lubricated ball bearings.-Modern Mechanical Engineering, 2013, 3, 161-170.
- P. Athanasatos, D. Koulocheris, T. Costopoulos, K. Raptis-Operational fault diagnosis in industrial hydraulic systems through modeling the internal leakage of its components.-American Journal of Applied Sciences 10 (12): 1648-1659, 2013.
- D. Koulocheris, G. Gyparakis, A. Stathis, Th. Costopoulos-Vibration Signals and Condition Monitoring for Wind Turbines.-Engineering, 2013, 5 , 948-955.
- Dimitris V. Koulocheris, Vasileios Dertimanis-Calculation of a fixed-tank vehicle optimum dynamic performance-Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 48 (2012) 2230-2240
- Dimitris Koulocheris, Vasilis Dertimanis, Vasilis Spitas and Christos Spitas-Heavy vehicle roll plane modelling and optimization of transmissibility ratios-5th International Conference from Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering 5th IC-SCCE Athens, 4-7 July, 2012 IC-SCCE.
- Dimitris Koulocheris, Antonios Stathis, Theodoros Costopoulos and Vasileios Dertimanis-Residual useful life estimation for rolling element bearings based on vibration signal analysis5th International Conference from Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering 5th IC-SCCE Athens, 4-7 July, 2012 IC-SCCE.
- Vasilis Spitas, Christos Spitas, Dimitris Koulocheris and Vasilis Dertimanis-Improving the crashworthiness of vehicle bumpers by using low-cost mineral matrix glass-fibre composites-5th International Conference from Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering 5th IC-SCCE Athens, 4-7 July, 2012 IC-SCCE.
- Vasilis Dertimanis, Dimitris Koulocheris, Vasilis Spitas and Christos Spitas-State-Space realizations of multivariate time-series with application to the subspace estimation of vehicle dynamics-5th International Conference from Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering 5th IC-SCCE Athens, 4-7 July, 2012 IC-SCCE.
- Dimitris V. Koulocheris, Vasilis K. Dertimanis-Design of a novel hybrid optimization algorithm-ICINCO 2009, 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, 2-5 July 2009. Milan, Italy
- Dimitris V. Koulocheris, Vasilis K. Dertimanis-On the state-space realization of vector autoregressive structures: an assessment-ICINCO 2009, 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, 2-5 July 2009. Milan, Italy.
- Dr.D.Koulocheris, Dr.V.Dertimanis-Identification of vehicle suspensions' faults from multi-channel excitation and vibration response measurements.-3rd IC-SCCE 3rd Conference International Conference "from Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering", 9-12 July 2008.
- D.V. Koulocheris, V.K.Dertimanis, C.N.Spentzas-Parametric identification of vehicle'structural characteristics-Forschung im Ingenieurwesen Band 72-Heft 3-September 2008, pp 39-51.
- Dr.D.Koulocheris, Dr.V.Dertimanis-Design methodology and calculation of tank supports in a heavy vehicle.-3rd IC-SCCE 3rd Conference International Conference "from Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering", 9-12 July 2008.
- Dimitris V. Koulocheris-Optimum Dynamic Performance of a Tank-Vehicle.-International Review of Mechanical Engineering (I.RE.ME.),Vol.1, n.3, 2007, pp. 218-224.
- Dr.D.Koulocheris, Dr.V.Dertimanis, Pr.C.Spentzas-Estimation of vehicle's structural parameters from multi-channel vibration measurements.-21st JUMV International Automotive Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, 23-25 April 2007.
- Dr.V.Dertimanis, Dr.D.Koulocheris-Vehicle's suspension fault identification via modal parameters update.-21st JUMV International Automotive Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, 23-25 April 2007.
- Dr.D.Koulocheris, Dr.V.Dertimanis, Pr.C.Spentzas-On the estimation of optimum structural parameters for a triaxial fixed-tank vehicle.-21st JUMV International Automotive Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, 23-25 April 2007.
- D. Koulocheris, V. Dertimanis-A two-model approach for the improvement of a fixed tank vehicles’ vertical and lateral dynamics, ESDA2006-95529.-8th Biennial ASME Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, Torino, Italy, July 4-7, 2006.
- D. Koulocheris, V. Dertimanis-Parametric identification of vehicle’s vertical dynamics using vector autoregressive moving average models, ESDA2006-95515. -8th Biennial ASME Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, Torino, Italy, July 4-7, 2006.
- D.Koulocheris, V.Dertimanis, N. Dourambeis, C. Spentzas-Optimisation of fixed-tank vehicle’s dynamics.-International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors Kragujevac, October 4th-6th, 2006.
- D.Koulocheris, V.Dertimanis, C. Spentzas-On the estimation of Vehicle’ s dynamics from vibration response data.-International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors Kragujevac, October 4th-6th, 2006.
- D. Koulocheris, V. Dertimanis, and C. Spentzas-Analysis and optimization of a fixed-tank vehicle.-Forschung im Ingenieurwesen Band 70-Heft 3-September 2006, pp 171-178.
- D. Koulocheris, V. Dertimanis-Α hybrid algorithm for the PEM estimation of ARMAX structures-Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences Vol. 30 No. 4, 2005.